the only things I could think up that could make this better are
an actuall background (like image background)
and achievement/medals
good job but it's just another shooter- just a much better looking shooter
the only things I could think up that could make this better are
an actuall background (like image background)
and achievement/medals
good job but it's just another shooter- just a much better looking shooter
as usall too deep for normal understanding
but still really great job, hope you make a third
and on a side note, the download links don't seem to be working
just thaught I'd bring that up
not the best
I don't care about the graphics
the problems are it's pretty glitchy (I get litterally STUCK on enemys)
and sometime if you get hit on level 2 while attacking you'll lose the ability to walk and you'll have to jump
pretty much this game just needs a through clean up
I do like the multiple music choices though
but the game over screen, it's just really off-set from the rest of the game, you have this happy game staring santa and then theres the game over screen which belongs in halloween... as does roudolph's (I think I mis-spelled that) pen
but I'll give you credit on the Turbo man (jingle all the way) reference, and no one likes booster, NO ONE! (lol if you saw the movie you'd get it)
why must they be so exxeccive
10,000 clicks?!?
why not just 1,000
everythings way too over the top
WOW, just just WOW!!!
I JUST finished playing FF9 and this has the same battle song!!!
great game and it's fun too...
(and now the songs stuck in my head)
for everyone saying this is hard, it's not hard, it's challenging you people are just so used to really easy childish games (mario, Kirby, halo <- EASY) that you don't know the difference between a game with a challenge, and a game thats hard, one way to give you an example of a game with the same play style but actually is hard, Battletoads, so untill you play battletoads (or a game that really is HARD) stop saying this is
great job on the game, hope to see more, keep up the good work, keep bringing challenge
9/10 no matter how great a game is making a perfect game is always a challenge
few things
1. the controlls are terribly simple, the only good thing is I'm guessing this can be played on the wii
2. don't say i'm "whineing" because I can't beat any levels, I beat the whole 20 level game
3. is there really any point to this? and whats with the little clocks, we need a story or something
in short, beat it, too simple and badley put togeather, no point to it
the art is ok I guess but thats only because it's supposed to look like this
great game
not what I expected but great
one thingI find hilarious is the C-C-C-C-C-CMBO BREAKER! achievment bout time someone apperciated killer instinct
great job, just wish there were a save function (if there is I don't see it)
no IE does not cause control issues for me and also this is a great game, simple too but nonetheless fun, it's like that TV show wipeout mixed with mario
(I'd say sonic but this just dosent quite cut the speed for that)
great job, the game is a little bizzar anddifferent butsometimes thats a good thing
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Age 32, Male
Eureka, California
Joined on 5/8/08